Please Email Dr. Deese your favorite quote:
Some Of Dr. Deese's Favorite Quotes:
(if you paste these in your word processor, you will have to change the color of the font to be visible)
Your first words in heaven, "Oh!" Dennis Deese
"A man first takes a drink then the drink takes the man"
"It's easier for a Christian to become a millionaire than for a millionaire to become a Christian"
"You make your choices, and then your choices make you"
"Nothing commends the Gospel more eloquently than a transformed life" The Manila Manifesto
"Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried. "
"It takes more faith to believe in Evolution than to believe in Creation" Dennis Deese
"There's a new god in town - Tolerance"
"I would never want to reach out someday with a soft, uncalloused, used hand-a hand never dirtied by serving-and shake the nail-pierced hand of Jesus."-Bill Hybels
"The chief danger of the 20th century will be religion without the Holy Spirit, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance,
salvation without regeneration, politics without God, and heaven without hell." General William Booth
"You can't change your past but you can have a new ending - Go For It"
"If you don't master your money, it will master you and Jesus said you can't serve two masters" Dennis Deese
"Everything above Hell is Grace" Dr. Bill Stafford
Eternal life is not a gift from God, eternal life is the gift of God - Chambers, O. My utmost for his highest
"I belong to Jesus. He must have the right to use me without consulting me." Mother Teresa
"Most of us are much sterner with others than we are in regard to ourselves; we make excuses for things in ourselves
whilst we condemn in others things to which we are not naturally inclined."
Chambers, O. . My utmost for his highest
"God has one destined end for mankind, viz., holiness. His one aim is the production of saints. God is not an eternal blessing-machine for men;"
Chambers, O. . My utmost for his highest
“If I had only known! If I had only known!” Thomas Carlyle
“Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark; professionals built the Titanic.”
"The main thing about Christianity is not the work we do, but the relationship we maintain and the atmosphere produced by that relationship.
That is all God asks us to look after, and it is the one thing that is being continually assailed." Chambers, O. . My utmost for his highest
"The great enemy of the life of faith in God is not sin, but the good which is not good enough. The good is always the enemy of the best."
Chambers, O. - My utmost for his highest
"It's easier to stay out of temptation than to get out of it." Rick Warren
"God's desire is to take us places we can't ask to be taken because we don't know they even exist.
He wants to give us experiences that we could never request because we have never yet even dreamed of them." Ruth Heflin
"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." Thomas Edison
"The only real failure in life is one not learned from." Anthony J. D'Angelo, The College Blue Book
"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody." Bill Cosby
The value of a vision is that it encourages you to give up at any moment all that you are in order to receive all that you can become.
We first form habits; then habits form us.
Delegating work works!
If God is your partner, make your plans big. D. L. Moody
Helen Keller was asked, “What would be worse than being born blind?” She replied, “To have sight without vision.”
“Eyes that look are common. Eyes that see are rare.” J. Oswald Sanders
Management is doing things right; Leadership is doing the right things. Peter Drucker
"When you know you should do a thing, and do it, immediately you know more" Chambers, O. - My utmost for his highest